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How to create your own set of Personal High Impact Positive Words.

2 Heart it! Palvi Gulati Verma 95
August 25, 2018
Palvi Gulati Verma
2 Heart it! 95

How I created my own set of personal affirmations and the process to create your own unique set of positive words and phrases

As Dumbledore, from Harry Potter, said: “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.”

I don’t think I need to ever talk about the power of positive words and self-affirmation. Better speakers and writers than me, from Harvard Researchers to Oprah to Tony Robbins talk about using positive affirmations for themselves, have talked about the importance of them to help create a strong mindset and a positive outlook for life.

For a long time, I knew the power of saying to myself, “You is kind, You is good, You is important” (remember the movie – The Help). I would even add other things to it like “You are strong, you are happy” and more. But despite repeating these words like a parrot, the minute something negative would happen to me all these positive words would fly right out the window. They would never stick. They would never make me feel good about myself, not even when I was saying them to myself because I think in the back of my head, I always knew these words were all generic. I had not vested any thought or energy into making those words mine.

How do I know this process of creating my unique positive words work? Because I have now tested this process and seen results not just on myself but for my clients and friends as well.

A couple of years ago, my partner and I worked on creating a life plan or goal for us. As we created that goal, we had put Europe as one of the continents we wanted to live in. We didn’t put any specific location (now we know better), but literally six months from the day we planned and worked towards that goal, and started talking and imagining and envisioning moving to Europe, we got an offer to move to Poland. Can be coincidence, so here’s another example.

As my partner and I moved from the US to Poland for his work, I decided to quit my job and move with him, knowing that rationally finding a role with the salary I want would be tough without a work visa. As an experiment, I started using my affirmations daily that “I love my work and I will find my next challenge in Poland immediately”; As I used to think that, I genuinely started to believe & feel it this time. And lo and behold, by the time I moved to Poland, I ended up with two offers and I started working within two months of moving to Poland. A related example of this would be my absolute hatred for commuting to work and wasting time in traffic. I had put a list of positive phrase that my next role will be where I work from home and you guessed it, my next role was where I am working from home and rarely commute into work.

All this while my husband, Mr. Negative Nancy kept telling me that wishes don’t just come true by saying positive words. And you know, he is right, they don’t. What he didn’t realize was it wasn’t just a wish, along with my positive phrases, I started to direct my energy (both thoughts and effort) into identifying opportunities and roles in Poland and believing that I would get an opportunity easily.

As many wise sages have said, where you direct your energy, that area start to gets more focus and generates vibration and frequency and you end up manifesting that in life.

For me, this is what was missing from most talks about positive words and affirmations. They never showed me how to create these words.

So here’s the process. Ready, set, go.

Okay, actually sit down with a pen and paper. This will take time. For this process to be impactful, find a place where you can be by yourself for an hour. You can do this on a plane or on a long commute, just ensure you are in a calm state or not easily distracted.

For step one, don’t focus on what words you are writing, don’t focus on how you say it, just imagine, think and write without reviewing it. We will get to that later.

Step One: Imagine your Perfect Future Self: Sit back, and think about your perfect future-self sitting across from you. You have achieved all you want in the next two years. What has changed two years from today? Answer these questions below in as much or as little detail as you want.

Observe the mundane first. Notice all the details. Do you have a different look? What type of clothes are you wearing?
What are your physical attributes? Are you lean, strong, muscular, flexible?
What is your emotional state? Are you calm, peaceful, strong, happy, wise?
What do you do on a day to day basis? What’s your lifestyle?
What are you doing in your career? Are you in the same role, an advanced version of it or doing something altogether different?
How are your relationships with your friends and family? Do you have new relationships, have you reconnected with old ones or severed old relationships?
How do your friends and family perceive you? What are they proud about you?
How do strangers perceive you? What do they see in you? What do you want your future positive self to see in you?

Put the words that come to your mind. Feel free to either write full paragraphs or words or phrases whatever comes to your mind.

I will answer a few questions for myself to illustrate the next step of the process.

I see my future-self wearing a blue dress, sitting in a cross-legged position early in the morning. There is no change in my style but my physical, mental attributes have changed.
I see myself as lean and strong. I don’t get sick or have allergies. I can breathe easily, my body doesn’t hurt and is full of energy. I am not tired anymore.
I remain calm inside despite the chaos around me. I learn from others and from my own mistakes.
I meditate daily and wake up early. I help others around me, I feel lucky because I get the opportunity to help people around me.
I have peaceful relationships with my friends and family. I have no drama in my life.
 I don’t have Monday blues, I am excited every day to do my work. I am doing a much-advanced version of my role.

 Step Two: Highlight the words that create strong emotions

After writing the answers to the questions above, reread the answers and highlight words and phrases that speak out to you. For the sake of not confusing you above, I didn’t highlight my words but I am typing them again and highlighting them in bold.

I see my future-self be wearing a blue shirt, sitting in a cross-legged position early in the morning. There is no change in my physical appearance or change in my style. 
I see myself as lean, strong, flexible. I don’t get sick or have allergies. I can breathe easily, my body doesn’t hurt and is full of energy. I am not tired
I remain calm inside despite the chaos around me. I learn from others and from my own mistakes.
I meditate daily and wake up early. I help others around me, I feel lucky because I get the opportunity to help people around me.
I have peaceful relationships with my friends and family. I have no drama in my life. 
I don’t have Monday blues, I am excited every day to do my work. I am doing a much-advanced version of my role.

Step Three: Create a bullet list of words and phrases and swap out the negatives:

This is where the magic begins. Start putting all the words above on a list but start with “I am”. Swap out the no’s and don’ts to positive words. Remember our brain doesn’t remember the word No/Don’t, it just focuses on the word, so we need to get a bit creative here.

Below is how I will put the words and note how I change the don’t and negative words.

I am an Early Riser (Easy, early in the morning becomes early riser)
I am lean, strong and flexible (words didn’t need to change)
I am healthy (changed and combined the negative from I don’t get sick or have allergies, breathe easily)
I am energetic (combining full of energy and not tired)
I am calm and stable (this one I added because being calm despite the chaos – chaos is still a negative word – the word stability is what I mean there – being calm despite the chaos and that becomes my positive word)
I am wise (learn from others and my own mistakes became wise)
My relationships are strong and peaceful.
My world is peaceful and calm (No drama in my life essentially means I want my life to be peaceful and calm)
I learn from the people around me. (I add this despite the “I am wise” as I keep repeating the theme in my words about learning from others)
I am happy and excited (changed Monday blues to happy and excited)

So there, you have it. Your own custom list of positive words and phrases that will actually work when you repeat them to yourself. You know why? Because this is how you imagine yourself, and when you repeat these, you will see yourself in that life, in that role, in that emotional state and most importantly remember and feel the feeling of success.

What The Secret got wrong about positive affirmations and didn’t mention it is that you don’t just have to repeat the words, you have to feel them and have an image around the affirmations.

Still doubtful? Try it. Try it small and then when you truly believe in it, you make it happen!

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2 Heart it! Palvi Gulati Verma 95
2 Heart it! 95

kecarlini Aug 25, 2018 10:32am

I Appreciate the detailed framework set out in this article. I can’t wait to put it to use.

    Palvi Gulati Verma Aug 26, 2018 1:55am

    Thanks Kecarlini. Would love to know how the process worked for you and if you have any feedback on it.

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