There are certain things that make us feel great in life… like dancing, singing, smiling, connecting with others, and eating delicious foods. There are other things that lead to discomfort and negative feelings… such as junk food, fighting, smoking, fear and regret. After using substances, technology and other negative coping mechanisms to numb the pain for a prolonged period, it is likely that you have also numbed your ability to feel any of the good things. Once you sober up, put down the devices, let go of the self-medicating, you will begin to get into your body again and “feel” emotions and sensations in new ways. In order to redirect your energy towards the things that feel good… try following this chart:
Think Less >>> Feel More!
Fight Less >>> Snuggle More!
Frown Less >>> Smile More!
Talk Less >>> Listen More!
Judge Less >>> Accept More!
Watch Less >>> Do More!
Complain Less >>> Appreciate More!
Fear Less >>> Love More!
Regret Less >>> Dance More!
Click Less >>> Smell More!
Once you find yourself experiencing more of the things listed on the right hand side, you will automatically experience feelings and emotions that you will want to continue. The behaviors listed on the left hand side just don’t feel as good. Pay attention to your emotions and your feelings the next time you try some of these actions. If you want to leave addictions behind, you are going to have to start disrupting your patterns and integrating new techniques into your life. And find others who will join you in nature. It truly “feels” great to be around others who are striving to feel, smile, listen, accept, do, appreciate and love as much as possible.
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