May 13, 2019

How to Release all that Sadness we Feel. ~ Adam Palmer


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I’ve learned that when I’m feeling what I need to feel, I’m trusting that my body can process any grief it holds on to, simply by surrendering to it.

It’s when I attach a vivid story to it that I entangle myself in a cycle of anguish.

My practice is to place my attention on what I want to cultivate in my life and how I want my life to feel.

At the moment, my body wants to procrastinate (withdraw) and I know why this is the case.

It’s such a familiar process to go over the reasons again and again in an effort to, in some way, process the discomfort.

I’ve found that my body knows how to release its sadness sporadically, on its own, which is interesting to me. I wasn’t always aware that my body has its own process of cleansing and rejuvenation, if I consciously keep my mind out of the way.

The moment I justify myself or attempt to play into the story, my body recoils and becomes frustrated—misaligned with its natural state.

Voluntarily, I generate conflict in my system.

When we look around at nature, everything has its natural process. And you can’t fight or negotiate with nature.

In the same way, and as part of the same natural processes that we see around us, we too have a natural process. The only obstacle between us and our natural ability to heal and thrive is our own thoughts.

Half the battle is letting go, surrendering, knowing without justification or conflict, and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.

I’ve learned to feel again after many years of avoidance, and it has freed me to dive into life without the fear of being hurt.


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Adam Palmer

author: Adam Palmer

Image: B Rosen/Flickr

Image: Author's own

Editor: Catherine Monkman