So you’ve never really fit in, but you can’t put your finger on it. Giftedness is a rarerity, even more rare than High Sensitivity and Empathic qualities. Here are fifteen signs you are gifted:
- You’re curious about the world
- You’re genuinely interested in people/what they’re doing
- You can’t stop learning about everything (but school and formal education seems stifling to you; you want to learn by researching and absorbing information, and making your own conclusions, rather than memorizing facts and regurgitating lessons).
- You’re more introverted, preferring solo activities to group ones
- You’re more comfortable with words, rather than speaking (so text, email, and chats are more your thing)
- You’re imaginative and creative (and daydream a little)
- You’re sensitive to people’s needs
- You’re funny and enjoy the company of funny people
- You’re introspective and reflect on things more before taking action
- You’re quiet and have a small group of close friends who you can easily talk about more in-depth topics with, rather than engage in small talk with total strangers (you abore small talk)
- You like music and seem to get chills when you listen to something that really connects with you
- You’re a dang perfectionist!
- You dislike competition, prefer cooperation
- You struggle with compare and despair
- You struggle with imposter syndrome
- You’ve got eccentric interests/jobs that aren’t mainstream and that other people might find either interesting or weird
- You’re indepent and self-reliant and don’t seek out friends/romantic partners ‘just because’/you’re ‘bored’
- You make connections/friends with people from different cultures, socio-economic statuses, genders, abilities, and ages.
- You like to challenge yourself to grow/develop into someone better (and challenge others to do the same as well)
- You’re a darn overthinker! Not in an anxious sense of what ‘could’ potentially go wrong, but rather you think A LOT about EVRYTHING. Yes, you could be anxious, but anxious thoughts are often accompanied or overthrown by philosophical pondering.
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