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April 19, 2021

What to do when we are not able to handle the situation

Many times in life, we are not able to understand the situation, not able to handle the situation. On that time, we naturally overreacting in every thing. Negative thoughts and negative energy travels inside our body.

Struggling to break the pattern in ongoing life, feeling incurious about each and everything. Even our favorite material things or talking with our best buddy can’t able to help us, because we need to clear understand this thing.


Yes, it sounds like BWKG (Be wajah ka Gyan). But, it is a bitter truth.

Just doing something (apart from overthinking). If want to watch a movie, go for it & keep watching it  or want to doing your office Work, just do it.

Even,  If we don’t like it,  We should still do it.  One day, two day, or more than 1 week we didn’t like it. But if we keep continue doing that work or any work, then one day we will get results.

In initial phase, it w’ll not help us but it will help. The solution of getting back our life on track is “DO” something. Yes, “DO” something productive works, but sometime for  take back our life on track, we have to do something for breaking earlier pattern and after that, everything will fine and we can do anything.

We should always trying to see good in each and everything (One person suggested me)

“IF we are trying to see Good and happiness in every thing then there is good in everything and there is only space for Happiness”

If we start doing this from today, Yes, there is a feeling of lowness, feeling of disconnected but after this inside battle, we will find our new version and we are ready for facing any kind of future challenges/Situations as well.

Because, Situations are Situations, We have to deal with this, Now its our call how we wants to tackle with all rest situations in our life.

“With Stay calm or With Stay Crying”

So, Staying Calm / Quite is the only best solution to handle any situation in life.

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