Ghosting’s Ugly Stepsister: 9 Signs you’re being Stonewalled.
Our “Ecosystem” makes it easy to Get your message out to thousands—& get paid.
Unlike Instagram or Facebook, Elephant is independent, and mission-driven—and despite having (slightly) fewer resources, we believe in paying our writers to offer quality to our readers.
Elephant was one of the first major sites to pay our best, consistent writers. But it was always hard to measure “best.” Now, we are introducing weekly payments to the top 15 articles on Elephant based on their Ecosystem Score—95% determined by our readers’ actions: reads, hearts, comments, shares, and 5% determined by our Editor’s Picks (so that mission balances popularity).
Note: When folks earn identical scores, we use the number of reads as the tiebreaker.
April 30th-May 6th Winners
Ghosting’s Ugly Stepsister: 9 Signs you’re being Stonewalled.
When we’re Triggered: How to Release Unresolved Trauma for Deeper Relationships.
F*ck the Checklist: Why we need to Live our Lives for Ourselves.
52 Things I Wish Somebody Had Told Me in my 20s.
The 5 Words that Shake Me to my Core.
Why labeling people as “Emotional Vampires” is so Problematic.
The Danger of Intense Sexual Attraction.
I’m Tired of Unsolicited Sexual Advances & Messages—What Can We Do?
Women who have Trust Issues when it comes to Men, Listen Up.
What happens when we Drink to Bury our Trauma.
Women: We do not Have to be Patriarchy’s Peacekeepers.
Reward & Punishment: how to break this Invisible Pattern in our Relationships.
How to Stop Emotional Triggers from Draining our Energy & Complicating our Relationships.
This Simple piece of Advice Changed my Life.
Nothing Lasts Forever—but its Energy will Transform.