March 20, 2012

Four Dating Tips for Guys. ~ Yang Li

Photo: womanabout.com

All right guys. You’ve been in the dating scene for a while now but still cannot figure out the necessary dating tips to make the process a little easier.

It’s not a secret that women play coy when it comes to suitors. As a matter of fact, they often say little or nothing, leaving potential mates in the dark. To stay in the dating game and remain sane while dating the women of your dreams, there are several things you should know about your girlfriend that she probably will never tell you.

1. Do they like the chase?

The first thing you should know about your girlfriend, or any woman of interest, is that they like the chase. Yep, it’s true. What does this mean? It means they like it when you chase them. What they don’t like are guys who appear too eager. This leaves a women wondering why you’re so eager. Perhaps you are desperate, insane, a serial dater, clingy or even a control freak. If you want to catch that special someone, you must continue to chase at a slow pace. This includes your current girlfriend. The fact you’ve caught her does not mean the chase is over. Women enjoy feeling like they are worth the work.

2. How about her friends?

Even though you may want your girlfriend to meet all your friends and (hopefully) like them, that does not mean she will want you to meet her friends. It’s a crazy world and possibly even a double standard but the fact of the matter is that women like to know your friends so they know who you’re with and what you’re most likely doing while you’re out with the boys. On the otherhand, women are not as keen on sharing their friends with you. There are several reasons for this, one is that many women fear you may desire a friend more than them. They also fear little secrets slipping into the wrong ear.

3. No doesn’t mean No.

If you ask her if something is wrong and she says no, that’s probably not true. The fact of the matter is when women say they are fine or okay, look out. Women are hard wired to communicate so when they respond with a short reply such as I’m fine, or I’m okay, this means they want to talk. It actually means they want you to do the work to find out what’s wrong by putting effort into talking to them. This is how they confirm they will be listened to.

4. Her bonding time!

Believe it or not, your girlfriend really does want to you spend bonding time with your friends. Previous relationship-phobia women are to blame for this outlandish myth that women don’t like their guys hanging out with the boys. Truth be told, women enjoy having time with their friends as much as guys do. There is a natural balance to both sides spending an equal amount of time away from the relationship. Remember, you’re not single any more so work together to find anatural balance that keeps everyone happy.



Yang Li, a London PR girl, and she is curious about all the ‘quirky but cool’ things in the world. She manages Chillisauce.co.uk website that features glamorous and leisure life in London. Apart from work, she’s also running her own blog that focus on delivering fresh news in events industry and meetings technology. Contact her and share your thoughts with her! Follow her on twitter @Smiley_Yang or contact her by email at [email protected]


Editor: Kelly Brichta


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