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January 2, 2022

7 Quick Ways for You to Get a Positive Mindset Now

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

Do you want a cheat sheet of 7 quick ways to get a positive mindset right now?

All of us need help at times with an attitude adjustment, a shift in perspective and I just dropped a short podcast of 7 quick ways to get a positive mindset now. The link’s below, but here’s a cheat sheet of the ways discussed on the episode:

1. Breathe. Take a long slow breath in, and let it out slowly. Repeat. (don’t do this fast or you’ll hyperventilate!)
2. Gratitude List. Write down 5–10 things you’re grateful for. By the time you are done, you will feel gratitude.
3. Focus on the Good. What we focus on grows. There’s plenty wrong that can be looked at, but if you focus on what’s right and beautiful, then your energy shifts and vibrationally expands. Yea, I’m serious.
4. Watch your spoken and inner language. Even self-deprecating thoughts, cut those out. Try affirmations instead.
5. Get outside! Breathe oxygen. Even a short walk around the block will provide a quick attitude adjustment. And walk in the other direction than the one you’re used to. That will build brain cells as well. Oh — and walk without a mobile device.
6. Call someone. Old-fashioned, I know, but with all the isolation these days, calling someone and talking on the phone helps them as much as it’ll help you. I promise.
7. Meditation. Even just 3–5 minutes of focusing on your breath will change the rest of your day. Or use one of the plethora of apps.

Here’s the episode.

Remember, you’re cared about. It’s important to know you’re not alone, no matter what your head tells you. Mine still goes there periodically, I don’t know what’s up with that, so I figure we all need the reminder that you’re important, that you matter.

Let me know if you’ve got other tips for a positive mindset or feedback on the episode. I’ve got FABULOUS guests for the second season starting next week and I’m just so excited for you to hear them (or watch if you do that on YouTube). Or I’ll just give you the cheat sheet here if you’d like!

In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

In gratitude always,
#positiveattitude #positivemindset #grateful

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