If you feel like you have no time for self-care, it’s ok!
You can shift your definition & perspective of what self care is, and also shift how your body receives things / life / food / exercise … even shifting your responses in a stressful situation can be epic self-care!
Self-care doesn’t have to be a nail appointment, a massage, a vacation to the beach ? Yes, those are nice, and also … how you eat, what you eat, and in some cases simply ”that you eat” is self-care.
Mindfully giving yourself whole, clean, beautiful veggies at lunch, sensing how beneficial that choice is, mindfully thanking your body for all it does automatically for you all day, every day … that’s literal self-care!
If you seem to always be too busy to eat lunch, blocking off 10 minutes in your schedule, or simply having an easy, clean lunch at your fingertips to eat on the go is self-care … eating lunch is self-care!
Mindfully giving your body 1 more glass of water, thanking the water for its benefits and thanking your body for all it does all day long is so powerful, life altering.
Taking a 10 minute brisk walk, going to the gym like you intended, doing day 20 of the 15 minute challenge you signed up for … moving your body is self-care.
Caring for yourself is your #1 job here on earth while you’re alive!
You are in charge of caring for yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually … and if there’s no time, or that’s the first thing to fall by the wayside, It’s ok to flake out on the nail salon!
Eating, water, movement … those are gimme self-care ideas that you can pivot and shift into so quickly and easily … along with how you internally approach them / your awareness.
Silent gratitude as you eat the tasty healthy 10 minute lunch can change your whole perspective on life with zero extra time or activities added
Self-care isn’t just nails, massages, or quiet reading time. Internal self-care is already built into your day if you just shift your perspective, and give that to yourself on purpose.
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