June 8, 2012

Allen Ginsberg’s Birthday & Environmental Wisdom. {Vintage Video}

Allen would have turned 86 this week.

He can be seen in this documentary, Circuit Earth, (he appears just before the 22 minute mark) commenting on the human dependence upon raw materials. The piece was created in Philadelphia for the very first Earth Day in 1970.


Background on the film, from Circuit Earth:

The idea behind “Circuit Earth” was to draw connections between concern for the environment and spiritual impoverishment manifested by war, overpopulation, mindless consumption, and drug addiction. This “underground” documentary raised issues that are now in the mainstream, including the impact of warfare, climate change, and population growth on the environment. It focused on concerns that are as true today as they were then, such as the dependence on fossil fuels, which is at the core of the energy debate today.

Circuit Earth anticipated the need for a holistic and global approach to the environment that requires an informed citizenry as well as knowledge-based political leadership.

This film underscores the global nature of technology and the environment, and the complex interaction of natural and human systems.


While Earth’s inhabitants are impermanent, we share this space for our lifetimes and should draw upon lessons that have already been taught, words that have already been said. We should choose the wisdom sweet spots and move along with better intentions.


“Our heads are round so thought can change direction.”
~ Allen Ginsberg


For more from the minds included this movie, check us out:

Alan Watts What Is Buddhism?

Zen – The Best of Alan Watts.

What A Poet Does.

20 Allen Ginsberg Posters.


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