March 18, 2024

The Words of One Presidential Candidate aren’t Hyperbole—they’re Clear & Present Danger.

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As much as I have come to realize that there is no bottom too low for Trump to go, his recent pronouncement disgusted and stunned me.

While discussing the auto industry at a recent rally in Ohio, he threatened violence if he is not declared the winner of the 2024 election: “If I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole—that’s going to be the least of it…it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

Take a moment and consider the implications. He is giving his followers marching orders. A “stand back and stand by moment,” if ever there was one. The same kind of instructions that those who stormed the Capitol heard and followed on January 6, 2021.

It was the same kind of instructions that got at least seven people killed as a result of that attack.

Add to that his dehumanizing comments about immigrants who enter the country, calling them “less than human” and saying that they are “poisoning the blood of the country,” and we have a recipe for a cataclysm. His words echo those of Hitler. Please don’t minimize the danger.

Why in the name of all that is good and holy, would anyone want to vote for someone who threatens a “blood bath” if he doesn’t win? This is not hyperbole. This is a clear and present danger.

He added, “If this election isn’t won, I don’t think we’ll ever have another election in this country.” The reality is, if God forbid he is elected that could come to pass.

When he made those comments in Ohio, I felt like puking when the people who were standing behind him decked out in their MAGA merch were nodding and cheering along. These are my fellow Americans applauding hatred.

He threatens to lock up his political enemies, or those he perceives standing in the way of his ultimate goal, to find his way back into the White House, not for the good of the country, but to keep himself out of prison for any number of the 91 indictments lodged against him. He is a desperate man, running out of road, so he keeps extending it in every way he can enabled by his adherents and their money.

I had a vision about what it is that keeps this man afloat. In my vision, I saw an inflatable that looked like him, down to the yellow combover and orange skin, blue suit and extra long red tie. Like all outdoor inflatable characters that people place on their lawns to celebrate holidays, he was deflated until he was “plugged in” to an energy source. What occurred to me is that he only has the power that people give him. Don’t be someone who feeds him that energy with your words, money, and vote.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

When he says, “Everybody knows…” or “People are saying…” he uses that to bolster his position. I am not part of the “everybody.” I am not one of the “people” who in any way align with him. Hopefully you aren’t either.

People have all kinds of reasons to vote the way they do. Some say he is a good businessman, despite the fact that his money came from his father, that he has bankrupted many companies, and cheated his employees and vendors out of money. I happen to know someone who used to work at one of his Atlantic City casinos who validated that.

Some say he shares their “America first” values. I dare anyone to say that a wannabe leader who cozies up to dictators is putting the welfare of our country on the forefront. Which Americans matter to him? Likely white, Christian men who want a theocracy and an authoritarian leadership.

Some say that he is pro-life. I call bullsh*t on that as there was a time when he was pro-choice. He switched his rhetoric when he realized it earned him votes with staunch Christians. If he was truly pro-life, he would support Planned Parenthood, sex education, and availability of contraception. If he was truly pro-life, he would support programs that assist families after a child is born, otherwise, label him “pro-birth.”

What is a shock to me is how many who are in “endangered” groups such as PoC, women, those in the LGBTQ+ community, those who are of immigrant stock regardless of when their families arrived on these shores, can support him. It’s like chickens voting for a fox.

Even Mike Pence came out with a statement that he would not be endorsing his former boss. In his mind, the Constitution superseded his loyalty to the man whose rhetoric almost got him murdered by those who erected a gallows. Pence has said that he has forgiven him because that is what is required of him as a Christian. I wonder what his Christian faith told him about the four years he served with a man whose beliefs and behaviors were decidedly un-Christian and I’m pretty sure that Jesus wouldn’t giving his blessing on their time in office. What Pence added was that he wouldn’t vote for Biden.

I know I can’t legislate anyone else’s conscience or morality, but I do ask that anyone reading this consider what type of country they want to be living in once the votes are tallied and the results are verified.


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author: Edie Weinstein

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Editor: Elyane Youssef