October 26, 2012

Love > Hate.

Kiss in front of a anti-gay protest in France. (Photo)

The now-iconic photo: “To respond to all those homophobes with a gesture of love. Nothing is more beautiful!”

Pour more.

Via Huff Post:

…The picture, taken by AFP photographer Gérard Julien, went viral on social media and has all the ingredients to become a symbolic image of the movement in favor of marriage equality.

On Tuesday, demonstrators gathered in 75 French cities to oppose the bill which would allow gay marriage and adoption. The picture was shot during the rally in the city of Marseille and as the two women are seen kissing in the forefront, faces of shocked protesters can be seen in the background

Interviewed by French gay magazine Têtu the two young women explained they are both straight, but wanted to draw attention to the issue with a pure and simple gesture of solidarity.

…for the whole article, click here.

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