July 29, 2013

Top 10 places you shouldn’t enjoy elephantjournal.com on mobile!

Ooh, elephantjournal.com gettin’ all fancy with it’s new Mobile site! Check us out now, whut?

elephantjournal.com’s on mobile!

  1. You can enjoy elephant on the subway or train, instead of looking out the window, or allowing yourself to just be
  2. You can enjoy elephant on the toilet, instead of getting the hell out of there, it stinks buddy
  3. You can enjoy elephant while wheeling your child around in a huge stroller, instead of helping your child slowly walk, and enjoying the miracle that is parenthood
  4. You can read elephant while waiting for a movie to start, instead of eating tons of gmo $10 pop corn.
  5. You can read elephant while hiking, or sitting by a stream, instead of enjoying all that Nature
  6. You can read elephant while waiting for your teeth to get cleaned or your tush to be enema’d
  7. You can read elephant instead of paying attention to the class you/your parents are paying 1000s of dollars for
  8. You can pretend to read elephant so that the girl across the cafe will think you’re deeply feeling, sensitive, yet funny and socially-aware—none of which is true
  9. You can read elephant while climbing, and dying
  10. You can read elephant while driving—and run over elephant founder Waylon Lewis on his bike. Again.

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