June 20, 2010

Make Homosexuals Marry!

Marriage sucks—overturn Prop 8!

This video comes via MakeHomosexualsMarry.org:

“Prop 8, what a f#cking farce! Why should they live the dream, having sex with whoever they please, partying all night, sleeping all day, drinking like they’re on some permanent spring break – Let them SUFFER marriage just like us heterosexuals!” ~ Kontraband


“If you disagree with the Homosexual lifestyle, support overturning Prop 8 + make them get married, like the rest of us.”

Love it. Finally, a brilliantly executed rejoinder to those “family values” types who want to take away basic human rights from a huge subset of We the People.

Many of us who see gay marriage rights as a basic civil rights issue laugh, when we consider that the Christian Right is fighting tooth and nail to prevent our brothers and sisters from being able to do one of the hardest things known to Hu-man: live together in loving harmony.

Finally, a video captures the whole sorry farce. What the eff are we afraid of!?

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