August 10, 2010

A Mountain of Green: the Rise ($) and Fall (<3) of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters.

Greed Mountain. Green Mountain. K Cups. Keurig Coffee. How much for your conscience?

Just read an article about Green Mountain Coffee—an article that was not made less devastating for the fact that we eco-minded journalistas and bloggers already know that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters became Greed Mountain Coffee Roasters, a few years back.

Now, I don’t say this lightly. I’ve loved Green Mountain for years—since I was a high schooler in Vermont, wayyy back in the late 80s, early 90s. I drink Green Mountain at home, still, from time to time (including this morning).

And, until recently, they walked their talk. As recently as a few years back, I termed Green Mountain Coffee the “Fair Tradest of Them All”:

But, as The Dude might put it, some serious sh*t has come to light, man.


Green Mountain now makes 80% of its green from single-use “disposable” plastic and tin k cups. Read here for the long story, in The New York Times.

Here’s the short story: green those k cups. Your competition already has biodegradable paper ones (see article, above, props to Sara Lee). And there’s reusable steel mesh cups out there, already.

Do it. This year.

Or all your rationalizations (see article, above), built high upon a mountain of green, will come to haunt you…and all of our grandchildren.

Plastic is toxic. Plastic is forever. Every piece of plastic ever created still exists. It’s linked to cancer. Tin is recyclable.

Fix it.

You can do it! Be a truly “Green” hero, a company we all want to patronize.

Bonus: Bag it.

Bag It Intro from Suzan Beraza on Vimeo.

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