August 23, 2010

Catching Thoughts: Deja Vu doo doo

We all have those moments that make us feel like we’ve been in “this moment” before and oftentimes we meander on our way not really tuning into what that fleeting feeling was all about. If for some reason you haven’t heard the term for this feeling, it’s a French word called “Deja Vu” or “already seen”. Science chalks it up to the brain glitching much like a record player/ CD skipping or in more extreme cases, Epilepsy. Paranormal psychologists think it’s anything from a present dip into a past life to time folding in on itself.

So what is it really? I don’t know that I can stand firmly on either side, but I can talk about my own experience with Deja Vu and what I’ve been able to work out from a personal perspective.


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