March 24, 2014

Family in a World of Electronic Impulses. {Poem} ~ Brook Stableford

brook stableford 2

In a world of electronic impulses

that carry our love through voice over wire,

the importance of family and friends
lives strong and true in the heart of my wife,
who, as I write, is creating a tasty surprise—
sweet bread of her spirit.

Through days well put together,
she and our son Danny create a menagerie of dazzling sparks,
and fill a bright-eyed child’s life
with stars of knowledge.

Sometimes our son Ryan finds that it takes
ever-growing knowledge

to know the importance of having it
and applying it

when the world needs his help.

Ryan, champion of the world,
may just know how to save us all.

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 Editorial Assistant: Bronwyn Petry/Editor: Renée Picard

 Photos: courtesy of author, barockschloss, Flickr Creative Commons

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