October 17, 2010

Dylan Ratigan: Epic Truth re: Terrorism Rant.

My God: someone who knows what he’s talking about and can eloquently, forcefully explain her or his-self.

“Since when are we going to go to war over a sign?”

This rant gives me hope for journalism. For America.

For anyone who conflates “terrorism” with “Muslim,” please watch this and get your facts straight before you go around offering hate speech under a veil of patriotism.

Gawker calls it “The Single Truest Political Rant Ever to Appear on Morning Television.”


Dylan Ratigan let loose an epic rant on “Morning Joe” this morning (10/15/10) regarding terrorism in the Middle East which seemed to attack all corners, including the media. He may have started with “The View” and Bill O’Reilly, but he just kept going, and going, and going. Fun watch.

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