January 16, 2009

The New Tom’s Tavern in Boulder, Colorado: a Bradford Heap local foodie restaurant.


Some of my first memories of my entire life are sitting in Tom’s Tavern, drawing on the paper mats and staring at the Clydsedale Horses as they marched round and round an old-timey Budweiser King of Beers display. Now that Boulder, Colorado’s iconic (really) Tom’s Tavern has finally closed, this prime location—old brick walls, tin ceilings, bright sunshine, patio dining right on our historic brick Mall…I’m happy to note will be replaced by something that sounds far better than mediocre, with mindful foodie morals. Leave your name suggestions at the bottom in COMMENTS.

Chef Bradford Heap, owner of Colterra in Niwot, is venturing back to Boulder to try his luck in the heart of the city. He’s planning to open an American-style bistro in the former Tom’s Tavern at 11th and Pearl.

Heap has earned acclaim for his use of organic and local ingredients at Colterra, which even features its own gardens. His new concept will be similar in some ways, but differ in others.

“It’s going to be be a farm-to-table concept, very casual. I’m going to have as much local product as I can on the plate,” he says. “Any kind of vegetable product I can get my hands on will be on the menu.”

While procurement standards will have a strong parallel to those at Colterra, there will be changes “because I don’t want to price anyone out,” Heap continues. “I’m trying to make farm-to-table food accessible to the masses.”

That’s a noble thought: to bring organic and local food into a reasonable price range for the people who want to eat green, but may not have enough green to do so…

…read the rest of Tyler Nemkov’s report on Westword.


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