February 6, 2009

She’s baa-ack: Sarah Palin: “Shame on you, Defenders of Wildlife.”

Can’t say we missed seeing Sarah Palin in the news. Below, an excerpt of Governor Palin’s remarks defending herself from Ashley Judd’s recent video (below) and “fringe group” Defenders of Wildlife. Via Ecorazzi:

“The ad campaign by this extreme fringe group, as Alaskans have witnessed over the last several years, distorts the facts about Alaska’s wildlife management programs. These audacious fundraising attempts misrepresent what goes on in Alaska, and I encourage people to learn the facts about Alaska’s positive record of managing wildlife for abundance.

“Shame on the Defenders of Wildlife for twisting the truth in an effort to raise funds from innocent and hard-pressed Americans struggling with these rough economic times.”

Visit http://www.eyeonpalin.org to help stop Governor Sarah Palin’s aerial-wolf killing program. Governor Palin continues to push extreme methods to kill wolves and bears, seeking to eliminate hundreds of wolves this season through Alaska’s aerial wolf killing program. Her state’s Board of Game has even approved the killing of young wolf pups in or near their dens, a controversial practice that was illegal until 2008.

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