March 23, 2009

Colorado: celebrate young people in politics with New Era Colorado. Andrew Romanoff and Peter Groff, special guests. Movie. Dinner at Duo in Denver. elephant editor Waylon Lewis joins board.

See you at the party! Invite below.

I go way back with New Era Colorado, and founder Steve Fenberg. Of all the folks I know in Colorado, Steve’s one of the straightest shooting, savviest, pure-hearted movers and shakers—and he’s only 15 (okay, more like 25). New Era Colorado goes way beyond Steve, though—it’s a big, and growing organization designed to support young people having—imagine—fun getting involved in politics. And their bipartisan work paid off in a big way in 2008, when they signed up scores of young conversatives, liberals and agnostics alike. Post-election, they’re continuing to take the ball down the field—getting involved in the legislative process that actually determines We the People’s daily lives.

I’ll be at their big fancy fundraising dinner in Denver—as will much of the political world, and countless young folks who not only give a care, but get off the couch and…onto the bus. 

A note: After weeks of attending (small parts of interminably long yet fascinating and somehow inspiring) Boulder City Council meetings, I’ve finally decided 97.5% to run for City Council in the Fall. It’s a particular honor, timing-wise, then, to be able to announce that I’ll be joining New Era’s board in a formal manner—after years of working with them to bring politics to the People, and We the People to the political process. ~ ed Waylon Lewis.

You are cordially invited to

New Era Colorado’s 1st Annual Spring Dinner

“Dinner & a Movie”

Please join us for an exquisite dinner at duo Restaurant and the premier of “Get on the Bus,” a short film documenting New Era Colorado’s work during the historic 2008 Elections.

With special guests

Senate President Peter Groff & former Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff.

April 29, 2009 at 7:00pm

Marking the 100th day of the Obama Administration

duo Restaurant

2413 W 32nd Ave

Denver, CO

Tickets to New Era Colorado’s 1st Annual Spring Dinner may be purchased online, by phone at 720.565.9317, or by printing and mailing the above RSVP card to 2025 16th Street, Boulder, CO 80302.

Individual Tickets

Includes a 3 course dinner & drinks

$100 per person

Sponsorship Levels

Actor Level: $500 (Includes a table of four and a bottle of champagne)

Writer Level: $1,000

Director Level: $2,500

Producer Level: $5,000

Please contact us for more details on sponsorship levels.

Buy tickets online at New Era’s website!

Please RSVP by April 22, 2009 at the latest.

Questions? Contact Steve Fenberg.

New Era Colorado is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization and contributions are not tax-deductible. If you would rather make a tax-deductible contribution to New Era Colorado Foundation, our 501(c)3 organization, please contact Steve at Steve@NewEraColorado or 720.565.9317.

Bonus Videos:

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