August 12, 2009

Green Restaurant 101.

This lil’blog is intended primarily for those wanting to “green” their restaurant, or start a green restaurant. Suggestions on other resources? Please say so in comments.

Videos: Founding Farmers, in Washington DC:

Terroir. This one’s short on details, but some good points.

Strong on details, weak in style. Worth slogging through. Must watch for would-be green restauaranteurs. Love this one. Lists good web sites for reference, and clearly divided into essential areas of your operation that you’ll want to look at:

Deadly boring, but good guidelines.

Sushi. Inspiring. Short on details.

Ted’s Montana Grill…a bit PRish, but inspiring to see Ted Turner start a “green”-minded restaurant chain that’s All-American, not crunchy.

Blue Hill (of recent Obama Date Night fame), in Greenwich Village. Also, Stone Barns Farm.

Green…pizza? Like that they mention the furniture (finally) and delivery. Many “green” restaurants buy cheap, bullshiite furniture made in China, etc.

Another on Pizza Fusion. Hybrids as advertising. Some good details.

Slow Food at A 16 in SF:

Alice Waters’ Chez Panisse relies heavily on farms, farmers’ markets.

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