October 6, 2009

Jann Scott, on Boulder City Council (not a fan).

There has been no critical look at Council candidates for this election. All of the forums and press coverage have been “soft ball.”

The current Council recruited their think alike friends from think alike groups like Plan Boulder.  There is no diversity and there have been no tough questions.

What are the plans to help the sky rocketing number of homeless in Boulder?

What has the City done in the eventuality of national economic collapse to help citizens with health care, housing and food?

The Council is decidedly anti-business and has driven high tech companies from the City, killing tax revenues and spending by highly-paid workers.

Boulder is essentially a rich, white and elitist home to government and non profit workers who gain from stimulus money, yet middle and working class citizens are suffering more than ever. None of the candidates have talked about any of these issues.  The City Council has a horrendous record for micromanaging every way of life in Boulder, and has stifled discourse in Boulder.

~ Jann Scott

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