December 11, 2009

Sickest Buddhist!

Arj Barker of Flight of the Conchords goes to the Zen Center and KILLS IT!!!!


The above is equally funny for those passionate about their spirituality and those who enjoy deriding love-n’-light touchy-feely namaste types. It’s an offensive, funny, three-minute version of Chogyam Trungpa’s seminal “Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism,” one could say.

“I’m so present I am ahead of my time”

“The instructor just told us to do a 45 minute meditation–I nailed it in 10!”

“I’ll nonattach your ass.”

“Organic cereallll…he’s so sweet and Buddhist, unh! I make the power of now look like the power of then. I chill with Eckhart Tolle, Deepak and Siddhartha. One hand clappin’ eff that yo…”

Someone please transcribe these lyrics and email ’em to me so I can post ’em…they’re ca-lassic.

With thanks for the tip to Sweigh Emily Spilkin, what? And here’s some great commentary by Buddhist brotherman Ethan Nichtern, who dares be insightful and trouble-making (while my commentary above is, simply, simple).

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