February 19, 2010


Funny, I was just arguing with Slow Food chef (and Buddhist) Peggy Markel about her delicious free range chicken sandwich at The Kitchen over lunch, today. I said free range is huge, and important, and if everyone was mindful like The Kitchen about where our meat came from, the world would be a far better place.

Still, I said, as we argued back and forth, the only thing that distinguishes us from animals (according to Buddhists, and others) is our capacity for self-awareness, and therefore mercy. If we choose not to exercise it, we’re no different than animals, many of whom kill and fight for their lives, day to day.

Still, I’m vegetarian, not vegan…so I’m far from blameless myself (if you ask a knowledgeable vegan).

This photo-worth-a-thousand-words tip comes via Gary Smith, who previously wrote about why wool is cruel:

Gary Smith:

“[This photo] is [poignant] since most chickens are sent to slaughter after 40 some odd days of life.”
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