July 21, 2010

The Truth about the Oil Spill. ~ Courtney Hamilton

Information is Power: How to Help the NRDC Defend our Oceans.

We here at elephant journal are big fans of the work of NRDC. They work hard, and accomplish much. We’re honored to share the below with you, via our friends over at NRDC. ~ ed.

NRDC (the Natural Resource Defense Council) is a national nonprofit organization of scientists, lawyers, and environmental specialists dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Founded in 1970, NRDC has 1.3 million members and online activists, all served from offices in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Beijing.

Recently, the organization produced a short public service announcement video about the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico using the HBO series How to Make it in America, with star Bryan Greenberg. Bryan argues that America needs safe, clean, renewable energy—alongside images from the Gulf, he illustrates the consequences of our addiction to oil:

Additionally, Academy Award nominated actress Sigourney Weaver just wrote a blog for NRDC’s OnEarth magazine about the spill, and the importance of protecting our oceans for future generations. Weaver, who “grew up listening to foghorns by night and being chased by horseshoe crabs by day” knows what’s at stake if we don’t protect our seas from the ravages of oil spills, ocean acidification, and rampant water pollution. Read her blog here.

If you’d like to learn more about the oil spill, check out this graphic illustrating what’s happening below the surface of the water (complete with info on how the spill might impact dolphins, turtles, and the fish we eat) as well as this blog by NRDC Oceans expert Ali Chase about Waldo the underwater robot that NRDC just launched to find and track undersea oil plumes (the very ones BP wants to ignore).

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