July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Your Holiness!

Happy 75th Birthday to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, who celebrated the occasion yesterday!

To honor the occasion, I suggest signing your name to Avaaz.org‘s tribute:

His message of peace and justice needs a big public jolt of support in these challenging times to demonstrate to those who oppose it that the world is united in hope for a peaceful and fair world.

Avaaz is organising a global tribute that will be delivered personally to the Dalai Lama — signers and messages will be posted on a “wall of warm wishes” inside the main Temple in Dharamsala, India and will be broadcast across the region…

“To The Dalai Lama: We wish you well on your 75th birthday and stand together across the world to express our thanks for your leadership for justice, non violence and peace.”

Sign on here.

And when you’re done, be sure to check out pictures of His Holiness’s birthday celebrations in Dharamasala here.

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