January 15, 2011

Write Your Way Through Motherhood.

Each mother has a story to tell.

The laughter and tears of each day.

“Today was a good day. We laughed more than we cried.”

The lessons learned.

“Always flush the toilet after use. Treasures and fingers often have a way of entering the toilet bowl at some point during the day.”

The ways to create rhythm and routine.

“Saturday is fun day. Sunday is laundry day. Thursday is food shopping day.”

Picking up a pen or sitting at the computer to put our thoughts, feelings and experiences into words, opens a window from ourselves to ourselves and potentially to others as well. We transfer what has been stored within our beings and as a result find a sort of freedom and refreshment through writing.

Over a year ago, I began journalling as a way to better know myself and connect with my feelings and emotions. My children were often the subject or inspiration for writing. It has brought clarity to my life! It has opened my eyes to me. Those who read my work get a glimpse into my life. I have noticed something amazing. They understand me. They have compassion. They offer love.

When we write and share the words of our heart, there is great joy to be found. We find the truth of our being. We are here to love ourselves and each other through understanding, compassion and kindness.

Today at tea, a friend exclaimed to me, “If you can talk, you can write!”

Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, we can all do it. Each of us has a story to share, as unique as our fingerprints. Motherhood, however, provides oodles and oodles of content! Mamas, pick up your pens and journals and find what awaits you at the other end. You may be pleasantly surprised!

Let YOUR story unfold! Need a boost in the right direction: Try a writing class!

Come celebrate the feminine with words of the heart. Support or share your words at an Open Mic in Boulder, Colorado. See below for details.

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