March 21, 2011

Top 10 Elephant Yoga Blogs of the Week.

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Top 10 Yoga Blogs of the Week

The Princess Of Garbage Day.

by Marylee Fairbanks

Japan Inspired Kids Yoga Class

by Donna Freeman

Japan: Cherry Blossom Parties & Making Meaning.

by Kaoverii Weber

The 9 Rules of Wellness. ~ Alicia Lubowski-Jahn

by elephantjournal.com

The Eight Limbs of yoga 2.0: should yogis want their guns back?

by yoga 2.0 lab

The Truth About Naked Yoga.

by Indra Singh

Ten Tips & Tricks To Fit Yoga Into Your Super-Busy Cram-Packed Day.

by Kara-Leah Grant

Is Rejection a Bad Thing? ~ Mary Mann

by elephantjournal.com

Why Yogis Don’t Necessarily Have To Meditate.

by Julia Clarke

How My Body Became My Guru- Part One: Why I Hated Mysore

by Kimberly Johnson

Previous Week Top 10 ~ Mar. 12.

Do Prisoners Deserve Yoga?

by Anneke Lucas

The Eight Limbs of yoga 2.0. Ahimsa: Pacifism, or the Resistance of Oppression?

by yoga 2.0 lab

Pine Tree Pranayama

by Hilary Lindsay

How My Friend Sara’s self-affirmational brainwashing escapist yoga crap led to Clarity.

by John Fossella

What yoga means to Rusty Wells.

by Joslyn Hamilton

Seeing the World as it Is

by Scott Robinson

What You See is What you Get.

by Suzanne Jones

Naked Girls, Astral Projection, and Achieving Nirvana in 60 Seconds or Less

by James Altucher

More human than humans?

by Brooks Hall

From Hippie Chick to Kundalini Yogini.

by Hari Bhajan Khalsa

Two Weeks Ago Top 10 ~ Mar. 5.

~I Am Winning.

by Alanna Zabel

Why Yogis Don’t Meditate.

by Philip Goldberg

Patanjali is my Homeboy. Part 1.

by Candice Garrett

Positive Pratyahara: The Kindness of Pulling In Your Senses.

by Laura Marjorie Miller

Shakti-Yoga’s Acid Goddess.

by Peter Sklivas

Yoga as a Martial Art—Aikido as Yoga. ~ Chrystos Minot

by elephantjournal.com

Yoga Instructor Seeks Man on Motorcycle. ~ Lauren Foster

by elephantjournal.com

Crossing into Elemental Waters and the Gift of Mentorship.

by Shakti Sunfire

Genius in the Meat.

by Sam Geppi

Teaching Yoga in a Cyber-age: Keeping Connectivity and Distance.

by Nancy Alder

Three Weeks Ago Top 10 ~ Feb. 26.

My Art As My Yoga. ~ Katarina Silva

by elephantjournal.com

Gaga: Staying Thin with Asana & Alcohol.

by Birdie Greenberg

Let Go.

by Jennifer Pastiloff

Video editing as sadhana: The Power of Then (“yoga by any other name”, part one)

by yoga 2.0 lab

Tantric Kundalini: Is it All About the Sex?

by Lindsey Lewis

Has Spirituality Become Like Religion?

by Nadia Ballas-Ruta

Living in the places that scare you.

by Michelle Fajkus

Yoga Teacher on a Pedestal: Psychological Conundrums of the Teacher-Student Relationship.

by Carol Horton

The Yogic Wisdom of Woody Allen.

by John Fossella

32 Unusual Ways to Deal with Anger.

by Claudia Azula Altucher

All Previous Top 10 Yoga Blogs

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