April 19, 2011

Top 10 Pot Posters.

In honor of 420 Day, Top 10+ Funny / Sexy / Old Timey / Political Pot Posters.

Holy Smoke? Kind Religion?

Pot. It’s all about peace (good), and zoning out (not so good). In any case, it’s far chillller and less aggression-or-accident-inducing than alcohol or drugs, and the production of it isn’t effing up the entire nation of Mexico, etc.

Even Sarah Palin thinks our police force’s precious time would be better spent enforcing laws that matter.

So, in honor of 420 day, when all of my hometown gets lost in a haze (literally, you can’t see much of anything on the CU campus) of smoke, here’s 10 (or 30) posters for you:

Bonus: a brief history of weed. Not sure why, but a verrrry popular post on elephant journal.



Boulder’s hero, elephriend Duzer:

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