May 2, 2011

President Obama: Osama Bin Laden is dead. Here’s the Complete Video:

A moment for all Americans, including our Muslim citizens. May this historic moment remain about Peace, and Unity—not Revenge or Divisiveness.

I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure. – Mark Twain

President Obama: “The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam…Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader.”

Copies of same speech:


Wonderful speech. President Obama took pains to thank 9/11 families, those in service, to make sure that tonight is about peace and justice, not revenge, that this is not a strike against Islam. We’ll share some quotes and final video.

This historic moment is not just about, as President Bush just stated, “a victory for America.” May this moment remain about Peace on Earth, not celebration of revenge.

Fireworks are shooting off all over my neighborhood in Boulder, Colorado. 10 years after 9/11. And as much as we want to leave partisan politics out of it…it is eight years, strangely, to the day, to the Mission Accomplished speech by President Bush.

In any case, a moment for all of us to hope for more peace. ~ Waylon

Our colleague Joe Yeoman and I will share updates, videos as we learn more.

Update: CBS News reports his body is in U.S. custody.
Update: via @andersoncooper: Ed henry of CNN: osama killed in mansion > islamabad. Wow, if true = stunning, + Pakistan has some explaining 2do

Image via NYTimes.com:

Live video link:


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