April 27, 2009

Top Ten Yoga Twitter Tweeters you should Follow.

I’ve only been on Twitter for say five months…and it took me the first few months—until I started using Tweetdeck (advice and link here)—to get Twitter.

Basically, Twitter’s a great, free way of networking, sharing, learning about cool things…great for individuals, great for small businesses, great for community and finding out about local specials and such. I just got named a Top Ten Green Tweeter Worth Following—a nice honor which inspired me to write on Top Ten Buddhist Tweeters (coming) and Top Ten Yoga Tweeters, because, after all, @elephantjournal doesn’t just focus on Green, or any one thing for that matter—we focus on anything that “can help you to live a good life that also happens to be good for others, and our planet.”

Anyways: favorite useful yoga-savvy tweeters…follow ’em, and if you feel you ought to be followed, add your Twitter id (@blankety-blank) in the Comments section in the bottom. I get enough comments on you, I’ll add you to the Top 10 list (and kick one of the other stars out).

0. yours truly, @elephantjournal, focuses on “the mindful life” generally. So while we’re not really a top yoga yoga yoga tweeter, we do offer some good fun interesting interviews, articles…most recently an interview at our Walk the Talk Show with John Friend of Anusara, an article about Yoga for Basketball, and a review of a yoga DVD for plus size yogis and yoginis. Okay, on your mats, get set, breathe…

1. @yogadork has got to be number one—they’re fun, personal, care and know about yoga.

2. @anusarafriend is John Friend himself!

3. I like @yoga_journal, obvious but strong twitterer.

4. @davekennedy he’s a great mensch, a dedicated yogi behind prAna, big innovator, supporter of elephant, friend.

5. @yogabear

6. @lotuspad

7. @presentjoyoga

8. @aredlotus

9. @IntegralHack

10. @yogitechchick is super sweet and networking savvy, active, totally worth the follow.

Spinal Tap Honorary Number Eleven: @gaiam

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