May 20, 2009

Become a Fan: Boulder County Farmers’ Market. New Facebook Page.

Why would we bother to post about a Facebook page? Because, of course, Facebook is more than a multi-kajillion dollar company that’s hardly making any money at all. Because it’s more than Big Brother with a nice orderly soft blue and white and gray color scheme. Because it’s more than a place to post photos of yourself looking fabulous/hungover/in the process of getting hungover. Because Facebook is about communication, fundamentally, and a Facebook Page is a great, free way for your local Farmers’ Market (wherever you live) to get the good word out. To share photos, videos and news, sign up for their newsletter, get word on CSAs, comment and converse…whether you work for the Farmers’ Market or shop there.

So Join the Boulder County Farmers’ Market new Facebook page. And then, naturally, you’ll wind up going even more often. And that’s what we here at elephant journal dot com editorial mission all about: helping good things get the good word out.

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