June 10, 2011

Why to hold hands on June 25th

June 25, 2011—12:00 PM your time.

People around the world will join hands June 25th on beaches and in cities for the second annual Hands Across the Sand in opposition of expanded offshore drilling and support for clean energy solutions for a sustainable planet. I hope to attend the one nearest me at the Illinois Beach State Park with my son, husband and picnic lunch.

Not a political movement.

This movement is not about politics; it’s about protection of the air we breath, the water that sustains us, our coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife and fishing industries. It’s about embracing energy sources that will sustain our planet.

Hands Across the Sand participants are joining hands to say NO to offshore drilling and YES to clean energy. They’re joining hands to urge leaders and decision makers to end the United States’ dependence on oil and coal—and embrace a clean energy future for a sustainable planet.

What to do at your event.

STEP 1: Go to the beach at 11 AM in your time zone for one hour, rain or shine.
STEP 2: Join hands for 15 minutes at 12:00 PM in your time zone forming lines in the sand against oil drilling in your coastal waters. Yes to clean energy.
STEP 3: Leave only your footprints.

Photo: Greenpeace Turkey

Go to my I Count for myEARTH blog to read more about this event and how you can participate or organize a Hands Across the Sands event in your area.

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