July 15, 2011

The 10 Films Rev. Danny Fisher Would Put in a Time Capsule.

You asked me to identify the ten films I’d put in a time capsule. I’ve been thinking about it a lot in the weeks since you’ve asked me. As I started to figure out which films those would be, it occurred to me that I was deciding based on the importance of the lessons each carries–the importance for me in my own life, anyway. Sure, I think you can tell something about styles of filmmaking that I like from these picks, but I see them as each representing something different and valuable.

So here they are…

Whatever the meaning of life is, you can bet that freedom from fear is part of it.
Defending Your Life (1991), dir. Albert Brooks
Telling the truth and standing up for others isn’t always easy, but you have to do it.
The Insider (1999), dir. Michael Mann
Make a relationship with impermanence.
Ikiru (1952), dir. Akira Kurosawa
“Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.” – The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
4 Little Girls (1997), dir. Spike Lee
Being a human being involves doing our very best to care for, communicate, and be in community with others.
Le Grand Voyage (2004), dir. Ismaël Ferroukhi
“Never give up on anyone.” – Atisha
Hoosiers (1986), dir. David Anspaugh
In the words of Walt Whitman, we’re all of us “large, and contain multitudes.”
The Apostle (1997), dir. Robert Duvall
“Flee. Be Silent. Pray.” – Abba Arsenius
Nonviolence is the only way.
Gandhi (1982), dir. Sir Richard Attenborough
Grace is where it’s at.
The Tree of Life (2011), dir. Terrence Malick
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