November 2, 2011

“100% is One”: Yoga Community & Occupy LA: Video.

Via Seane Corn:

“Thank you to everyone who came out to Occupy LA! What a wild, intense, joy-filled and wonderful experience. Thanks to Ashley Turner, Saul David Raye, James Brown, Kia Miller, Mia Togo, Vytas Baskauskas, Brock Cahill, Ally Hamilton, Hala Khouri, Gayatri, and Suzanne Sterling for such a deep, meaningful and spontaneous collaboration! I loved hearing each of your individual voices and how effortlessly they all weaved together in support of this bigger vision of unity.

I look forward to standing with you all again in solidarity one day soon. Yogis unite!”

Off the Mat Into the World and a group of powerful Los Angeles yogis took yoga to the steps of City Hall in downtown LA to demonstrate peace, solidarity and yoga (unity).

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