December 3, 2011

December 3 – reverb11 – Anicca (Change)

What did you let go of this year? Whom did you let go?o

Anicca. Anicca. Anicca. Everything that arises passes away sooner or later. It’s a fact of life. You know it, I know it. And yet we so often want to deny the fact. Pretend like things can stay the same, relationships can stay the same, people don’t change, there is some semblance of sameness, of control. The sooner we can accept the reality of constant change, the better. Breathe it in. The present moment only lasts a moment. Change is the only constant. The only “stability” to be found is in change itself.


I lost Lucy on March 27. It was the worst day of my year and one of the hardest of my life. Yet, the moment of despair was also a moment of epiphany. In an instant, she was gone forever, but (once the initial shock passed), as long as I was present, I could sense Lucy’s sweet loyalty and undying devotion. Tangibly. In my heart. And I still can. And I always will.

“When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything.” ~ Ajahn Chah

p.s. Are you a reverb11 virgin? Get the details here.

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