Dr. Seuss said, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
I’ve written about authenticity before and the topic came up again a couple of weeks ago during week one of the most recent Yoga & Wellness session that I am facilitating. The word/concept inevitably comes up when we are talking about core values, beliefs and living yoga on and off the mat.
So, that led to my posting the Dr. Seuss quote yesterday morning on my Living Life, Making Choices Facebook page (if you haven’t ‘liked’ it yet – you can take care of that today – check it off your list ) and then the topic of ‘keeping it real’ arose again when I spent time with a good friend yesterday. Where is this leading me, you might ask? I’m not sure – I don’t really have a detailed, thoughtful post here, but feel that it’s important to trust my instincts that someone needs this message today.
So, I’ll keep going with the flow…. I’ve been thinking about how even when authenticity is one of our core values – it can be challenging to be real all the time. I pride myself upon being authentic and truthful. I do, however, find myself thinking carefully about how I word things when I am delivering a message that I think might disappoint someone. My friend reminded me of the importance of Dr. Seuss’ words…. if someone ‘minds’ my truth – and/or I find it difficult to deliver that truth, then I should ask myself how much it matters since I am not responding authentically.
This is not new information to me – I know this – I practice this in my life pretty regularly, so what does it mean when I find myself spending too much time thinking about how to word something …. nothing, really – just a gentle reminder. No judgment of self, no harsh words/thoughts about others… just a gentle reminder. Those who matter – they really won’t mind. So say what you want to say.
Then I think – well this might not be realistic for us to do with everyone in our lives 24/7. So if we think about times when there is someone who we can’t say ‘it’ to, we can consider if anything needs to be said at all because most times – it doesn’t. Pay attention and you’ll be surprised how many times you feel like you REALLY need to say something and when you think about it, you really don’t.
Thanks to my friend, Tee – for her wise words and to my friend, Linda for the beautiful photo in this post – from the North Country of New Hampshire! And thank you, readers, for accepting this post as is…. usually I take more time and edit, edit away, but this one – I want it to be as it is. Thanks for not minding!
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