April 13, 2012

Sh*t Entrepreneurs Say.

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

~ Winston Churchill


And while you’re busy walking, you say things … {techy nerd alert}


In case your logic fails you…


More entrepreneur sh*t from Inc.com:

Start-up founders are an odd—and awe-inspiring—breed. They take huge risks, try big ideas, and (sometimes) succeed in completely changing how the world thinks about a product or service. But… they’re extreme optimists and always selling and that means sometimes they say some dumb stuff.

“I’m not your typical entrepreneur.”

“Trust me. Someday equity will be a lot more important to you than salary.”

“I can’t tell you what we’re working on. Just know that it will be huge.”

“We’re kind of like the Apple of the landscaping industry. Just a lot more visionary.”

“Our service will sell itself.”

“If you take a step back it looks a lot better.”

“Right now we prefer to grow organically.”

“I’m not interested in money or fame. If we can change the world, that’s plenty.”

“Yes! Richard Branson is going to tweet about us. We are so money.”

“Looks like I’ll be pulling another all nighter… (pause) Hey, wanna do something tonight?”

“Hey, not a big deal, but are you guys hiring?”

Click here to read the rest. 


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