May 7, 2012

“What if the male Avengers posed like the female one?”

Sexy Avengers is Sexist.

With thanks for the tip to Reddit.

Sorta relephant bonus: Standing like a Superhero for as little as two minutes changes our testosterone and cortisol levels, increases our appetite for risk, causes us to perform better in job interviews, and generally configures our brains to cope well in stressful situations. (psychologytoday.com)

Avengers’ Booty Ass-emble.”

Illustration above by Kevin Bolk:

“This is a parody of this promo art [at, ahem, bottom. ~ ed] for the Avengers movie. I couldn’t help but notice that in most of the ad material, the guys are all in heroic stances but Black Widow is almost always in an impractical, curved-spine “booty shot” pose. Figured I’d flip it around for my lady friends out there. Seemed only fair.

Them’s some strong male characters, amirite?”


And the original:

“New promo image for “The Avengers” which would be awesome if only Black Widow wasn’t in a ridiculous and impractical “look at my ass” pose. It just seems unfair that everyone else gets to be heroic and she’s just “Ohai! Pin-Up!” >_<“


Relephant bonus:

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