I screamed until I cried,
I danced until I wept,
Dervish-like I swirled, I twirled,
I stomped,
Vigorously throwing my abundance from side to side.
Life danced me, shifting me in spirited ways and necessary means that my mortal self would never give herself permission to imagine,
Let alone realize.
Into the dungeons of anger and tunnels of rage
My wild, guttural sounds rattled my cage.
Pouring from my pores, sweet, salty sweat soothed my chocolate skin as hot, fiery tears burned my eyes, clearing away rose-colored debris.
Stomp, stomp, stomp.
Shake, shake, shake.
If not now, when? If not now, when?
Bellowed the shaman haunting my soul;
One crying out for redemption.
When, when, when?
Collapsing, exhausted from my own exhilaration,
Spread-eagled I lay
Facing the world.
The ground beneath held me,
While the transitional grey sky above looked on compassionately.
As breath and I found each other, volcano-like,
My heart burst open,
Releasing the wounded feminine,
Giving re-birth to the Empress-Goddess.
As I became One with the Earth,
Deeply, lovingly,
She whispered,
“You’re free!”
Editor: Kate Bartolotta
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