September 14, 2012

10 Recent “Green” Reasons Modern Republicans Suck.

I consider myself an Eisenhower Republican. Which is to say, in today’s terminology, a far-left extremist Democrat. ~ ed.

I respect many of the Republican’s traditional values: non-intervention in foreign wars, small government, personal freedoms. But from the Patriot Act through WMDs and “Corporations are People, my friend”—the only evolution acknowledged in GOP party platform is an anti-science, in-the-pockets-of-big-business small-mindedness and bigotry that is, as President Obama pointed out the other day, so old school it feels as if we’re watching black and white TV.

But things aren’t, thankfully, all black and white. As GOP Senator Lindsey Graham said, “Why can’t America have the cleanest air and the cleanest water of any place on the planet? You don’t have to believe in global warming to share that vision.”

And, “98% of Independents, 97% of Democrats and 91% of Republicans think that developing solar power is in the vital interests of the United States.

Still, generally, modern Republicans (as opposed to, say, the Nixon era that saw the formation of the Clean Air Act and EPA) are anything but conservative.

Here’s 10 Reasons why, if we heart health and nature, it’s time to send a signal to the GOP that they need to, you know, evolve:

1. “Mitt Romney Helped Monsanto Take Over the World.” (Monsanto was the largest consulting client of Romney’s employer, Bain & Company, in the 70s & 80s)

2. This kind of story is so common most of us don’t bother to get angry, let alone read: “House GOP Votes to Transfer Tens of Thousands of Acres of Minnesota Public Lands to the State for Sulfide Mining.”

3. You know, Global Warming doesn’t exist. (Recent: Romney Mocks Obama’s Pledge to Address Global Warming — As GOP Delegates Laugh at the Whole Notion.”) Another: “The Republicans are now the anti-science party. On climate change and evolution, the party’s presidential hopefuls are wilfully ignorant.

4. Symbolic, but deeply significant in its symbolism: when the GOP retook the House, “GOP Cancels Biodegradable Packaging, Brings Toxic Styrofoam Back.”

5. Follow the Money. Along with Wall Street, Big Oil loves Rmoney: “Major fossil fuel companies are financing an effort to defeat President Obama.” Keystone musta pissed someone off.

6. “From low energy light bulbs to clean air to clean energy, the GOP are against it.

7. “Under the GOP, the 112th Congress has held a boggling 168 votes to defund, roll back, or repeal environmental protections.

8. GOP leaders loudly, proudly want to defund, unplug the already-weak EPA: “GOP Bleeds Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with Aim to Gut it Powerless – EPA kept its regulatory powers, but funding for climate science, wetlands protection, clean drinking water, nuclear waste disposal & more slashed.” Another: “GOP Trying to Weaken Clean Air Laws While Half of All Americans Still Breathe Polluted Air: The threats to the Clean Air Act are coming from the Republican side of Congress, in bills to strip the U.S. EPA of funding and curtail its powers to regulate air emissions.

9. “In my state (CO), we are already losing jobs thanks to the Republican threats to end wind subsidies.” Same goes for solar.

10. Generally, GOPers heart fracking. “GOP Wouldn’t Allow Lawmaker To Recast Accidental Vote That Reversed North Carolina Fracking Ban.”

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