November 25, 2012

Best new Restaurant in Denver: The Populist.

The Populist

3163 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205

You could say “foodie.” You could say “hipster.” You could say “surprisingly affordable.” Or, you could just skip this effing review and this preview and this one and trust me, and go.

The Populist. Denver. @waylonlewis on Instagram.

If you like your food to have a known source, if you like style, if you like community, if you love food and you love drink and…if you love Ritual Chocolate, if you don’t yet know Ritual Chocolate but are ready to…go.

I went last night with my Aunt and three friends (Robbie and Anna of Ritual, whose Willy Wonka chocolate factory is next door), and we ordered too much, and it wasn’t enough. And the menus and lockers (you’ll see) and tables and waitress and waiters and patio (which I look forward to visiting when it’s warm) were all spot-on—friendly, stylish, thoughtful.

One note: I’m vegan, and it was pretty accessible.

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