February 13, 2013

Acting Childish is Good for You. {Video}

I dance on beds; it’s what I do to keep my soul happy.

 Every bed I come in contact with is prey to my not-so-amazing dance moves.  I travel the world as a filmmaker/TV host and always make sure to bounce around my hotel room like a crazed maniac,  it’s the perfect medicine after a long day. Letting loose is the key to happiness, and I plan on bed bouncing the rest of my life! Who’s with me?

This might be the silliest one minute video I’ve ever made. It’s kinda pointless, but I sure had fun making it. It includes beds from Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Turkey, Ireland, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Canada, Spain, Italy, England, Wyoming, Tennessee and Boulder.


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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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