March 20, 2013

Olympian Rockstars in Park City. {Video}

It’s not everyday you get your ass handed to you by a couple cute Olympians: “Hey Kaylin, can I inter….Whoosh! Okay, see you at the bottom!”

I recently spent time with downhiller extraordinaire, Kaylin Richardson and ski jumper, Lindsey Van (not Vonn) while on a press trip in Park City. I don’t go on many press trips because the events usually consist of packing nerdy journalists into buses, getting hauled around like cattle while being force-fed gluttonous amounts of food.

This two day trip however, was very different. Put on by Sony and Canyons Resort, we got to play with all sorts of fun new cameras while skiing, zip lining, horseback riding, bobsledding at Utah Olympic Park and meeting inspiring Olympic Athletes.

Back to the cute super athletes.

Kaylin competed in the 2006 Olympics in Turin and the 2010 Olympic in Vancouver, and Lindsey Van has been fighting with her ski-jumping compadres to get women’s Ski Jumping into the Olympics (they finally won!).  Their story for inclusion in a traditionally male dominated sport is chronicled in the ultra inspirational film Ready to Fly, which coincidentally played after my film, Mama Picchu at the Adventure Film Festival in October 2012.

In this short video, you’ll get a sense of Kaylin’s infectious positive spirit and the low-key and all business Lindsay Van. It’s incredible to watch these ladies in action and see first hand what a lifetime of dedication can accomplish.

Look out for high flying Lindsey in the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia!



I didn’t plan on talking about food, but I have to brag about The Farm. This awesome little joint right at the base of the hill, sources all its food locally—it’s good to see big resorts moving in this direction.

Good food, good for the environment, good for your health, I like!



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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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