March 16, 2013

The Glorious Liberation & Exceptional Agony of Truth. ~ Jillian Locke

Source: via Michele on Pinterest

I’m changing. Like, big-time changing.

I’m changing in that I’m accepting the truth more willingly, accepting myself more lovingly. I’m speaking and acting more truthfully, and in that, freeing myself.

I’m making space for more honesty in my life.

Making way for more light, more expansion, more amazing things to make their way to me.

When I block the truth, I block my light, my possibilities and potentials. When I lift the veil of limitations and approach my life with expansion and clarity, miracles happen. Things shift. Obstacles and challenges that I couldn’t see a way around all of a sudden open up—the fog lifts and the sun shines through onto places I had thought, with undeniable certainty, were to remain shrouded in darkness forever.

Life changes, energy changes, your very existence changes. Once again, freedom is felt…created. Once again, you come back to yourself and hit the reset button, taking stock on every single cell and particle that has once again readjusted itself, recreating your life for the next chapter, the next leg of this never-ending, cyclical journey.

You find yourself back at the beginning, but it’s really a new beginning further on in your own spiral, which is really the universal spiral that we’re all traveling together, whether we feel it or not. We’re all there—it’s just a matter of opening our eyes, our minds and our hearts to see our undeniable connection to each other and of course, ourselves.

Waking up can be the most liberating or frightening thing we’ll ever experience. But the alternative…continuing to sleep walk and continuing to miss every miracle that is literally screaming in our path, desperately trying to get our attention and pull us out from within ourselves…the alternative is much more frightening.

Separation. Isolation. Remaining stagnant when the one constant, reliable truth in life is that change happens and choosing not to roll with it and accept it is nothing less than a death sentence for the spirit.

As I maneuver through all of the intense truths and transformations I’ve been facing recently, an image of my 14-year-old self keeps coming to mind.

If I’m ever unsure of my motives, of the authenticity of my choices, I think back to that fierce little 14-year-old who saw things so clearly, who questioned everything, who spoke the truth no matter what the consequence; the innocent, brave little woman who accepted the truth, embraced it, because if she didn’t, she literally couldn’t function. She couldn’t live a lie.

As we grow, it’s so easy to forget what’s important, to drift away from our source, our spark.

The most liberating day in your life is the day you allow the voice you’ve been restraining to ring loud and clear, shattering every wall and excuse and illusion you’ve spent half a lifetime carefully putting into place. We’re all our own greatest protectors, our most fierce guardians, our most radiant, powerful rays of light.

And when we let that light shine, when we breathe life into that ancient, forgotten voice, we reclaim our lives.

Truth is the greatest goal.

To live in truth is to truly make the most of this amazing gift we’ve been given.

Don’t waste another day in the shadows, in denial—reclaim your truth and know—become—what it means to be truly, honestly free.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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