Santosha: “At some point we all think to ourselves ‘I’d be happy if…’ or ‘I could practice if…’
The truth is that there will always be something that we think is in our way. If we wait for that ‘perfect’ moment, chances are that it will never come.
The niyama, santosha, is about contentment. Seeing things with equanimity and finding the grace in our daily lives. In this way, each moment is a chance for yoga, a chance for liberation, whether we are on a beautiful mountain top or in a teensy cubicle.
“As the mind, so the man; bondage or liberation are in your own mind.”
Description: Elise Espat , Albuquerque Ashtanga Yoga Shala
Awesome Editor: Jessica Walden and Elise Espat
Cartoon guy: Boonchu Tanti, Ashtanga Illustrations by BoonchuThe Yoga Comics Team:Editor: Jessica Walden began a daily yoga practice in 1994 and, over the last 12 years, has made several trips to Mysore, India, to study with Guruji, Sharath, and Saraswati. She is married to Andrew Hillam and a happy mother of two boys and one chihuahua.Editor: Elise Espat first practiced Ashtanga Yoga with Guruji when she was living in NYC and has since made several trips to Mysore, India to practice with her teachers Guruji, Sharath, and Saraswathi Jois. A couple of years ago Elise and her husband moved to New Mexico where they enjoy spending time in nature with their little dog named Maple. Most mornings (except Saturdays and moon days) you’ll find Elise teaching at the Albuquerque Ashtanga Yoga Shala. She also keeps the blogwww.aylibrary.blogspot.comCartoonist: Boonchu Tanti, an engineer who loves drawing cartoons, began a daily yoga practice since 2007. He has made several trips to Mysore, India to study Ashtanga Yoga at KPJAYI with Sharath since then. He now works and resides in Bangkok and draws cartoons as hobby during free time. Find his works at:
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