Don’t wait until it is too late to do and say everything that means something to you.
Act now and live happily.
Oftentimes we get so caught up in ego, that we either live in the past, or get so stuck in old patterns, old wounds, past hurt, traumas and stories that we are owned by what has come and gone. It prevents us from living, fully, now.
Other times, we are dreaming of the future. Somehow dreaming of the future, this place that doesn’t exist but seems filled with possibility, sets whatever is wrong in our lives, now, in some other place, so we don’t have to feel the pain of what we don’t have now.
Tomorrow may never come. The past is gone. The only thing we truly have is the present. So, engage it. Engage it now with your whole self and makes steps toward creating the life you want right now. Forgive the past, let go of the wrongs that enslave you and realize that right now, you are not the story, you are not what happened to you. You are what you make yourself.
The worst thing ever is to die with regrets.
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So, wash the canvas white, paint a new picture and take back your power. Live the life you want.
Source: Uploaded by user via Terri on Pinterest
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Ed: Brianna Bemel
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