August 3, 2013

Bringing Animal Exploitation to Light: An Interview with Liz Marshall. ~ Annabel Ruffell {Video}

photo credit: Jo-Anne McArthur

Liz Marshall is an award winning documentary filmmaker.

Since the late 90’s she has created award winning and socially relevant projects shot all over the world. This interview with her is about her latest film: The Ghosts in our Machine. 

In her words:

“Why do we value wildlife and our companion animals but not the billions of animals bred and used by global industries? It is this core question that prompted me to delve deeply and explore this subject matter. Through story, sound and picture I hope people will see animals differently—forever. As consumers we can all make a difference for the ghosts, each and everyday.”

Journey for Earth

AR: What journey are you on?

LM: More and more what I see through my work is an interest in bridge building. I used to be more comfortable and concerned with reaching like minded people, but I can see now that I am increasingly interested in reaching across the divide to bring people and ideas together.

I have primarily focused on documentary, but I am also drawn to fiction or hybrid (fiction-reality) film-making. Through the power of cinema: story, sound and picture, we can touch people’s hearts, open minds, and have a positive impact.

These possibilities continue to intrigue me, and keep me motivated on my journey.

AR: What has been one of your greatest challenges over the years, either with the work that you do or in another area of your life, and how did you overcome it?

LM: Establishing healthy detachment from people and situations that are not that positive. I have learned to have better boundaries, and the outcome is that I am more focussed and my vision is clearer.

AR: What is your greatest hope for our planet at this time?

LM: My greatest hope is the same hope that I had as a kid! You can read my childhood letter to our Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. I hope that people and nations stop war. I hope the gap between rich and poor will lessen in my lifetime.  I hope that all nations become mindful stewards of our planet before it is too late.

We must stop using people and animals alike as cogs in our machine.

I hope for greater mercy, equity and justice. Whether it’s realistic or not, I don’t know, but continuing to hope and work towards change, is what motivates me.

If you are interested in donating to this cause, please take the time to check out their Indiegogo Campaign.



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Assistant Ed: Dana Gornall/Ed: Bryonie Wise

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