October 7, 2013

Magenta. {Poem}

In every corner lives an altar

Each object, consciously displayed,

An offering. 

In silence, this sacred sanctuary

embraces me;

A kaleidoscope of fiery reds, soothing greens, uplifting yellows, tranquil turquoise and

Regal Magenta

Speak volumes.


As near and as far as my eyes can see outwards

Tall, strong and sensitive,

Birch trees acknowledge me,

Inviting me to 

Look withIn.


Be still and know that you


Exactly where you’re destined

Right here, right now.


At Cunningham and M[a]c Neil

More than mere two dirt roads converge.


Hearts opened connect.


Through stories shared,

We weave a web of connectivity.


A cornucopia of abundant gratitude bathes me.


Brimming from the center that is my heart,

Crystal clear,

warm tears emerge.


And I smile in the knowing that truly,

I am



And so it is.


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Ed: Sara Crolick

{photo: courtesy of Karen Arp-Sandel}

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